
Cyber Resilience for NGO's

Deze pagina in het Nederlands

About the project

Cyber Resilience for NGOs: A Collective Intelligence Effort will map the cyber threat landscape for the NGO sector in The Netherlands. In addition, this project seeks to clarify the human impact of cyber attacks, and how they affect not only the NGOs, but also the beneficiaries they serve.

Project consortium

The project consortium is composed of 4 organisations:


1 Jan - 31 Dec 2024


Year of establishment




National scope



NGO / non-profit sector


The project’s ambition is to continue building on capacity-building in the coming year and – in collaboration with other partners – build a long-term support infrastructure for the NGO sector throughout the country.

The project aims to create a scalable model for assessing the threat landscape across the country for Dutch NGOs cybersecurity and to improve the awareness of the main gaps and weaknesses and identify opportunities for strengthening NGOs’ cyber resilience.

This project also seeks to lobby and involve policymakers and donors since its inception and brainstorm on the impact of their active involvement in support of building cyber resilient NGOs ecosystems. Through the project activities, the consortium seeks to further create and consolidate an NGO-Industry-Academia-Philanthropy community, joining forces to ensure the sustainability of the approach.



  • Assess the cyber threat landscape, and cybersecurity maturity level of NGOs of the target by providing an in-depth analysis via a threat intelligence report. 
  • Build community around cyber resilience to build trust and help NGOs act upon the threat intelligence.
  • Develop a crisis response simulation for NGOs to better prepare themselves should an attack occur.
  • Raise awareness about cyber resilience within the wider ecosystem of NGOs in the Netherlands and by extension among policy makers and donors about the critical role of cybersecurity for NGOs.

Meer cyberweerbaarheidsnetwerken van het DTC

Het Digital Trust Center stimuleert samenwerkingsverbanden van bedrijven die groepen ondernemers helpen met veilig digitaal ondernemen. In een cyberweerbaarheidsnetwerk werken ondernemers samen met andere organisaties aan het vergroten van de cyberweerbaarheid, binnen en tussen branches en regio's in de niet-vitale sectoren.